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Why join?

Membership is free and open to all, regardless of ethnicity, age, background, profession or religion. We are a diverse group of people, from various walks of life, trying to strengthen, monitor and shape the future of various communities. We embrace diversity and enjoying chatting to ‘interestingly’ interesting people.

As a member of WECA you can help shape the growth, development and health and social well-being of culturally diverse communities. By actively engaging with peers, statutory and non statutory services you can help make real difference as an ambassador for equality, diversity and change in the community.

As a valued member you get the opportunity to network and attend WECA’s monthly meeting which features guest speakers from various organisations e.g. Cheshire Police, health and well-being boards, local authorities, non governmental bodies, and speakers from various other organisations.

You also get the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with your fellow members on matters concerning various needs. We also expect our members to actively promote and build awareness of matters arising in meetings. This helps to get key messages across to the community and various organisations.

Members also have the pleasure of planning, hosting and promoting ‘the happening’ cultural festival of Warrington known as the Mela. Further information on the Mela can be found on the site, just click on  â€˜Mela’.

We encourage members, organisations and the Warrington community to refer issue of general concern regarding the culturally diverse communities to WECA, so it can pursue the matter with the support from key organisations.

If you would like to register your interest or find out bit more about the committee and its role please contact us.

If you would like to attend one of WECA’s meetings as a guest speaker to refer issue, promote your service or feed information please contact us or get in touch with a member.

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The Gateway, 89 Sankey Street, Warrington, United Kingdom WA1 1SR (limited parking)

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